
Engineering and Technical Solutions

Solving hard problems every day on earth and beyond.

Across newsworthy technical disciplines, our subject matter experts and frontline engineers work with cutting-edge technologies to deliver quality data and analysis that enables effective decision-making for our customers.

Laboratory & Data Management Services

Around the world and in Low Earth Orbit, MartinFed actively supports complex laboratory operations across threat analysis, fire research, and space-based scientific advancement. Our trained and certified metrology and calibration experts, ISS payload operators, and multi-domain data analysts provide our customers with decades of experience managing laboratory environments with effective standardized operating procedures to ensure consistent laboratory processes, outputs, and data reporting across locations and personnel over more than 20 Million test activities. Our ISO and Project Management Institute® (PMI) quality and process management systems ensure consistent, quality delivery of test data that enable confident decision making.

Fire engine spraying water on simulated fire at airport training facility

Space Operations Support

Our team of NASA-certified flight controllers support real-time operations that enable Low-Earth Orbit science and discovery. We bring expertise in managing and operating complex mission payloads, including those on the International Space Station, and support the payload requirements management, timeline planning, anomaly resolution, and issue response activities necessary for successful operations. We help our customers get the most out of the LEO-based scientific investment that’s driving new technologies across government and commercial sectors.


International Space Station overlooking Earth

Software, Modelling, & Simulation

The ability to defend our warfighters and our country is dependent on being able to accurately model, simulate, and analyze threat activity of our rapidly advancing near-peer adversaries. MartinFed engineers and analysts work with our customers to support studies on threat intelligence, asset identification, mitigation capabilities, risk assessment, and threat mapping. Using software capabilities including AI/ML to support research and development across domains including Missile Defense, Oil Analysis, Epidemiology, Nuclear Controls, and more, we evaluate data to better understand threats, risk profiles, and how we can counter them.


Over the Shoulder Shot of Engineer Working with CAD Software on Desktop Computer, Screen Shows Technical Drafts and Drawings. In the Background Engineering Facility Specialising on Industrial Design

Prototype & Test Engineering

Engineering is ultimately about building, innovating, and discovering. Our team at MartinFed is skilled at validating digital designs and models with real-world test article construction. Our fire research engineers design, construct, and analyze test article prototype structures and scenarios that test material ignition, model structural fires, and employ precise sensing and measurement to capture decision-driving data and provide repeatable risk analysis. As a Non-Traditional Contractor, MartinFed is positioned to provide experience in engineering risk analysis, validation and verification, and testing of engineering prototypes on traditional and OTA contracts.

Engineering student using a 3D printer in the lab and printing a prototype

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